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Ending the Year on a Giving Note

Canada and Across the Globe

We’ve been fortunate that 2018 was a great year for all of us here in the office. We watched the practice grow and caring for all of our new and returning patients. Thank you for your support at home and as we traveled on mission clinics.

We’re lucky to work with OneSight to provide exams and new glasses to communities that lack access to eye care. OneSight also allows up to provide eye wear locally to those who otherwise would not be able to afford glasses. To support OneSight, we volunteer our time and fund raise throughout the year. If you’re still looking to make a tax deductible donation to close out the year, please consider donating to Dr. Winn’s campaign or directly to OneSight.

No Cash, No Problem.

Another great charity that we’ve supported over the past year is Miles4Migrants. They reunite separated refugee families by using donated frequent flyer miles to purchase airline tickets for family members who have been granted visas in new countries. Miles4Migrants works closely with local community organizations to identify families in need and make travel arrangements. You can donate Aeroplan miles directly to Miles4Migrants here. Or visit their website for more information about donations from other partners.

Staying Close to Home

If you’re looking to make a donation to a local charity, please consider donating to the Ottawa Food Bank or the Kanata Food Cupoard. Nutrition is important, and these organizations are able to provide lots of eye healthy foods like veggies, fruits and eggs to many members of our community.

We hope that everyone is ending 2018 on a high and giving note and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2019.

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Jennifer Winn Optometrist